Kamran Safamanesh graduated in architecture from the University of Tehran in 1973 and obtained advanced degrees in computer application in architecture and urban design from the university of UCLA and Berkley in 1978. He began his professional activities in Iran simultaneously with his studies and continued in the United States. Upon his return to Iran, he specialized in various fields of architecture, urban design, and restoration of historic buildings, completing more than 220 projects. Safamanesh founded the Tehran Research Institute in 1981 as a result of forty years of independent research in theory, history, and experience, creating a rich archive on Iranian architecture and urban planning. One of his ongoing interests is researching the city, the concept of the city, and the human connections in the context of the city of Tehran. In this regard, he took the initiative to establish a commission for identifying and preparing old maps of Tehran, leading to the preparation of 3300 maps for the city. Reflecting on the lofty concepts of culture, art, and the environment of Iran and incorporating them into a new form has been one of his lifetime preoccupations.

Kamran Safamanesh's artworks:
My city The foundation of this work is based on the nature of the city, which means change. Transformation in structure – rewriting – destruction – renovation – cleansing – reconstruction and understanding that the city is shaped by actions – reactions – interactions. The existence of a city is like writing a memory on the wall of the city; it is alive and decays, and everything that comes is a new action and a new building… The reality of the city is a dynamic and intertwined flow of behaviors, actions, dialects, and movements. For this reason, your city becomes like you, and your city is a mirror of you. This is a conceptual work and a mental exploration, referring to the intertwining of urban energies hidden in the lives and minds of humans… It is a manifestation of the existence of the city, its context, and its physical form, along with urban life that gives identity and direction to the city and its citizens. In fact, our goal is to create an urban galaxy or, in other words, an urban weave made up of findings, related and unrelated forces from the restless institution of the city, along with its existence, complexity, and entanglements. This work emerged as an experimental and group game with companions and colleagues, along with play, discovery, and understanding of the city’s function in an intertwined creation. Kamran safamanesh