Hamideh Tavakoli is a university lecturer in the field of Interior Architecture at the undergraduate level and holds a Master’s degree in Interior Architecture and a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture. She has experience working with architectural firms in Tehran and Sari. During her master’s studies, she gained experience with advanced materials, including industrial resins (polyester resin, epoxy resin, etc.). Due to her interest in materials and their performance, as well as her concern for the environment and sustainability, she has started her research and experiments in the field of biomaterials(bioplastic) to improve their performance and efficiency for one year. She believes that attention to the environment and human life should be considered one of the main pillars in all fields. She advances her research in this area, focusing on this principle in the field of interior design and architecture.

Hamideh Tavakoli's artworks:
In the world we live in, with the increasing industrialization of life and the growing production of petroleum-based materials, a large amount of carbon dioxide is produced, affecting all aspects of life. Plastics, which take thousands of years to decompose after use, are annually introduced into the environment by millions of tons. This situation has led to a deepening gap between humans and nature, the very source that meets human physical and psychological needs. The production and disposal of plastics in nature have created a boundary between humans and nature, which is widening every day. Our goal here is to reduce this boundary by replacing materials with biomaterials (bioplastics) and focusing on Life Cycle Design (LCD) in the design field to diminish this gap. Biomaterials are substances that are more environmentally friendly and have the capability to naturally decompose, helping to restore the connection between humans and nature. In designing this work, the aim is to showcase the potential of these materials (creating diversity in texture, pattern, and color) for use in interior design, and to combine them with the element of light.