MSA is an independent group active in the field of computational design and fabrication. The group collaborates with universities but operates autonomously. We aim to apply mathematical solutions in architecture and architectural geometry, drawing from both past and future perspectives. MSA’s research focuses on innovative digital fabrication methods and kinetic facades, utilizing fabrication machines, electronic controllers, and platforms. Additionally, we adopt a critical approach towards materials.

MSA's artworks:
Light and shadow are key elements that enhance the visual experience and bring elements to life. Light and reflection can captivate viewers with a sense of movement and fluidity. Among decorative elements, the most fundamental are light and color. The harmony of the universe is a mathematical order in which light, through its creative dissemination, materializes based on the various resistances exerted by matter (Eco, 2013, p. 71).
In an interdisciplinary activity, we attempted to experiment with new techniques and forms that align with contemporary possibilities and technologies. Computational design methods were used to create these pieces. By combining the primary form with patterns, we introduce the randomness of natural forms, which contrasts with the rigidity of the initial materials. This process transforms the physical shape of the pieces, turning them into organic and fluid structures, thereby bridging the gap between natural and artificial, static and dynamic elements.
We are proud to present this work at the Patternitecture event.