Nourathar Studio are Caen Botto (1970) and Marta Rupérez (1977).
The studio is dedicated to the development of experiences that investigate and question the potential of emerging media. Nourathar’s work stems from the hybrid space between artistic creation and technological development. Their art occurs in the liminal zone between the physical and the virtual, between analogue and digital.
Their research articulates contemporary history and archaeology, and materializes in projects that implement augmented reality, immersive environments, interaction, optical illusionism and other lo and hi-tech mirages.
Members of Nourathar have presented their work at art exhibitions, festivals and events such as Sonar (.es), Observatori (.es), FACT (.uk), FILE (.br), MAMBA (.ar).
The name Nourathar, is a tribute to one of the pioneers of the art of light: Mary Hallock-Greenewalt (Beirut 1871– Philadelphia 1951) who adapted the Arabic expressions nour (light) and attar (essence of), to describe the visual music created by her.